Successful small conferences
– Every conference is a success


We have the ideal ambience and the appropriate conference technology for small conferences or meetings for up to 25 people. Here the conference can’t help but go well.


Tagungsunterlagen und Reservierung pdf

Hotel Münchner Hof Tagung

Hotel Münchner Hof Tagungsraum

Successful conference packages
– The space adapts to you


Our conference room offers many options, even with 2 – 3 people you won’t feel lost.
(e.g. job interviews)

conference room 36 qm²

Half-day room rental 105,- Euro
All day room rental 125,- Euro

Our conference technology


  • WLAN
  • Projector with screen
  • Presenter’s case
  • 2 flipcharts with foil pens
  • Swriting materials for each participant
  • phone

Hotel Münchner Hof Tagungsraum